Public Health
Clic Santé offers a mass appointment management solution developed specifically to respond to complex emergency situations.
With Clic Santé, public health authorities can accelerate the deployment and coordination of emergency services for large populations over vast geographical areas.
Technological Innovations
- Client Filtering/Managing
- Symptomatic Client Triaging
- Care Trajectory Management
- Prioritizing Vulnerable Clients
Integrated Management of all links in the Healthcare Delivery Chain
Government Authorities
Management Level
Healthcare Services Management and Coordination
Advantages & Benefits
Access to predictive data to manage the allocation of resources and materials
Public Health Managers
Management Level
Deployment of Resources and Service Centres
Advantages & Benefits
Ensure the protection of patients and medical staff
Healthcare Centre Management
Management Level
Scheduling and Appointment Management
Advantages & Benefits
Eliminate unnecessary crowding and line-ups at points of service
Healthcare Professionals
Management Level
Emergency Care Administration
Advantages & Benefits
Increased capacity for patient care
Support Staff
Management Level
Patient Reception and Support
Advantages & Benefits
Eliminate repetitive tasks to increase patient care time
Predictive Data Management
Clic Santé Manager module continuously generates predictive data based on healthcare supply and demand fluctuations, scaled for specific regions or whole countries.
Key Performance Indicators enable health authorities to react proactively to resource, vaccine and/or drug shortages or surpluses.

An effective solution without compromising security.
Client Filtering/Managing
Symptomatic Client Triaging
Care Trajectory Management
Prioritizing Vulnerable Clients